What do you think is inside a unicorn horn!? In this episode, Nicole describes the magic and beauty of her vision of the inside of a unicorn horn! You won't want to miss this one -- She certainly doesn't disappoint!
Nicole talks about working with clients and that vision of making it from point A, where they currently are, to point B, where they want to go. As always, she has an incredibly unique perspective on this process that keeps you moving and motivated to take the next step! Just like you walk up each step of a staircase, you move forward gathering experiences and making progress -- which is the true measure of success!
She shares tips and a unicorn hack on how you motivate yourself to keep moving on that staircase to where you want to go even when its dark and scary! As things feel challenging and limiting beliefs come into play it is easy to crave safety but with Nicole's vision of this ascent there is no need to turn back to stay safe! You get to lean in and see the progress you have made for what it is and recognize that your brilliance is always intact!
Push play now to learn how to:
-Recognize and market your brilliance for what it is right in this very moment!
-Use the same micro-shifts she has used to hit 1.5M in under 2 years of starting her business!
-Use the vision of the ascending spiral staircase of the unicorn horn to level up your business!
To get your hands on the strategies Nicole uses to attract more and better clients, hop on over to her Facebook group!
Ready to attract unicorn clients!? Book a call with the Wonder Team!
And as always, for more trouble go to Real Unicorns Don't Wear Pants!