Today Nicole gives up ALL the goods! No really, she is giving the exact process of closing not just in sales calls, but in the DMs, Live pitches, and more!
The point of a sales conversation is all about letting someone feel known and seen! Let them know you give a f*ck! Selling is serving, and just like anything else the more time you spend doing it the better you get at it! Pitching is not a blanket, nor a one size fits all! The cookie cutter thing doesn't work here! There are different formulas and launch formulas! You get to go out, implement, and refine those processes!
In this episode Nicole dives into her closing process! From live pitching, to sales calls, all the way to closing in the DMs! Nicole goes in detail about her nemesis in sales calls, and how she took a 13-0 (thats 13 not closed) record and turned it around! Everyone is different and gets to have their sales system in a way that feels good for them!
Press play now to hear:
-Why sales scripts won't save you!
-The one thing that will help you turn the corner in a sales conversation
-How to get people into your inbox that aren't just looking for free coaching
-The energetic exchange that happens during the sale
-How to bring that connection from a sales call into the dms
To pitch with passion head over to Nicole's Facebook group Unicorn Client Attraction Secrets for High Vibe Wonder Women!
Ready to attract unicorn clients!? Book a call with the Wonder Team!
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